このように、Audio Bible - NKJV Bible App は使いやすく、高品質なオーディオ聖書体験を提供します。デザインも優れており、機能的で見やすいインターフェースが特徴です。ただし、ストレージ容量の問題や追加機能の要望があるかもしれません。全体的には、聖書の朗読をより便利にするのに役立つ優れたアプリです。
By Eddie
As someone who struggles with reading, this app has been a game-changer. I can now easily listen to the Bible whenever and wherever I want. The option to choose different narrators is a nice touch.
By Teddy
This app is amazing! I love being able to listen to the Bible while I'm driving or doing chores around the house. The narrator has a clear and pleasant voice, and the app is easy to navigate.
By Toby
I'm impressed with the wide range of Bible translations available in this app. It's great to have options and be able to compare different versions. The audio playback is seamless and the app is very user-friendly.
By Willow
This app has become an essential part of my daily routine. I listen to the Bible every morning while I'm getting ready for the day. It helps me stay connected to God's word and start my day on a positive note.
NIV Bible Study - Offline app
Mobile Bible apps
Daily Bible: Holy Bible KJV
Daily Bible : Daily Verses and Prayers
American Standard Bible (ASV)
Warp Studios Bibles
Dwell: Audio Bible
Dwell App, LLC
Women Study Bible
Bible online
Literal Word Bible App
Literal Word
NIV Bible App by Olive Tree
Gospel Technologies
Tyndale Bibles App
Tecarta, Inc.
NKJV Bible App by Olive Tree
Gospel Technologies
NKJV Bible
Oly Bible
Google Play ブックス: 漫画・電子書籍・ラノベ
Google LLC
Amazon Kindle: 電子書籍、マンガ、雑誌
Amazon Mobile LLC
Wattpad - Read & Write Stories
聖書 - 音読聖書 - 音読聖書
Audible (オーディブル)
Audible, Inc.
네이버 - NAVER
King James Bible - Verse+Audio
Ozion Tech
Oxford Dictionary
Bible Offline-KJV Holy Bible
Bíblia Offline
القرآن الكريم كامل بدون انترنت
NIV Bible Study - Offline app
Mobile Bible apps
Daily Bible: Holy Bible KJV
Daily Bible : Daily Verses and Prayers
American Standard Bible (ASV)
Warp Studios Bibles
Dwell: Audio Bible
Dwell App, LLC
Women Study Bible
Bible online
Literal Word Bible App
Literal Word
NIV Bible App by Olive Tree
Gospel Technologies
Tyndale Bibles App
Tecarta, Inc.
NKJV Bible App by Olive Tree
Gospel Technologies
NKJV Bible
Oly Bible
Google Play ブックス: 漫画・電子書籍・ラノベ
Google LLC
Amazon Kindle: 電子書籍、マンガ、雑誌
Amazon Mobile LLC
Wattpad - Read & Write Stories
聖書 - 音読聖書 - 音読聖書
Audible (オーディブル)
Audible, Inc.
네이버 - NAVER
King James Bible - Verse+Audio
Ozion Tech
Oxford Dictionary
Bible Offline-KJV Holy Bible
Bíblia Offline
القرآن الكريم كامل بدون انترنت
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ViewsAPK は、Google、Android OEM、Android アプリケーション開発者とはいかなる形でも提携していません。
By Casper
I've tried a few different audio Bible apps, and this one is by far the best. The audio quality is excellent and the app has all the features I need, like the ability to bookmark passages and adjust playback speed. Highly recommended!