以上が、Google Play ブックスの機能、使いやすさ、デザイン、長所と短所についてのレビューです。利便性の高いアプリであり、幅広い書籍を楽しむことができるため、読書好きにはおすすめです。ただし、価格や一部の機能には改善の余地があるかもしれません。
By Frankie
I've been using Google Play Books & Audiobooks for a while now and it has become my go-to app for reading and listening to books. The library is vast and the app offers a lot of customization options. I especially enjoy the audiobook feature while driving long distances.
By Kitty
This app is fantastic! I love how easy it is to access all my books and audiobooks in one place. The interface is user-friendly and the reading experience is great. Highly recommended!
By Luna
I'm impressed with the Google Play Books & Audiobooks app. It has a clean and intuitive interface, making it easy to navigate and find new books. The audiobook playback is smooth and I appreciate the ability to adjust the playback speed.
By Stella
I have tried several book reading apps and this one stands out from the rest. The selection of books and audiobooks is unbeatable and the app works flawlessly. The recommendations based on my reading habits are also a nice touch.
Kobo Books
Kobo Books
Wikimedia Foundation
Headway: 15-Min Book Summaries
Books Made Easy Corp
Libby, by OverDrive
OverDrive, Inc.
Everand: Ebooks and audiobooks
Scribd, Inc.
Audible (オーディブル)
Audible, Inc.
Pocket FM: Audio Series
Pocket FM Corp.
Storytel: Audiobooks & Ebooks
Storytel Sweden AB
PocketBook reader - any books
Pocketbook International SA
Google Play ブックス: 漫画・電子書籍・ラノベ
Google LLC
Amazon Kindle: 電子書籍、マンガ、雑誌
Amazon Mobile LLC
Wattpad - Read & Write Stories
聖書 - 音読聖書 - 音読聖書
Audible (オーディブル)
Audible, Inc.
네이버 - NAVER
King James Bible - Verse+Audio
Ozion Tech
Bible Offline-KJV Holy Bible
Bíblia Offline
Sky Map
Sky Map Devs
Wikimedia Foundation
Kobo Books
Kobo Books
Wikimedia Foundation
Headway: 15-Min Book Summaries
Books Made Easy Corp
Libby, by OverDrive
OverDrive, Inc.
Everand: Ebooks and audiobooks
Scribd, Inc.
Audible (オーディブル)
Audible, Inc.
Pocket FM: Audio Series
Pocket FM Corp.
Storytel: Audiobooks & Ebooks
Storytel Sweden AB
PocketBook reader - any books
Pocketbook International SA
Google Play ブックス: 漫画・電子書籍・ラノベ
Google LLC
Amazon Kindle: 電子書籍、マンガ、雑誌
Amazon Mobile LLC
Wattpad - Read & Write Stories
聖書 - 音読聖書 - 音読聖書
Audible (オーディブル)
Audible, Inc.
네이버 - NAVER
King James Bible - Verse+Audio
Ozion Tech
Bible Offline-KJV Holy Bible
Bíblia Offline
Sky Map
Sky Map Devs
Wikimedia Foundation
Right@viewsapk.com をコピーします。全著作権所有
Google Play™ は Google Inc. の商標です。
ViewsAPK は、Google、Android OEM、Android アプリケーション開発者とはいかなる形でも提携していません。
By Acey
The Google Play Books & Audiobooks app has completely changed my reading habits. I love being able to carry hundreds of books in my pocket and switch between reading and listening seamlessly. The syncing across devices is also excellent.