Daily Bible: Holy Bible KJV は、聖書をデイリーリーディングプランとして提供してくれるアプリです。King James Version(KJV)のバージョンを使用しており、読書プランやオーディオバージョンなど、さまざまな機能を提供しています。
以上が Daily Bible: Holy Bible KJV アプリに関するレビューです。使いやすさやデザインの優れたアプリであり、デイリーリーディングプランやオーディオバージョンなどの機能が学ぶ上で役立つものとなっています。ただし、機能の拡張性に限りがあり、聖書のバージョンに対しても制約があるため、改善の余地があると言えます。
By Finn
This app has been a blessing in my life. I love being able to read the Holy Bible in the KJV version on my phone. The interface is user-friendly and the daily reminder feature helps me stay committed to reading God's word every day.
By Nala
I am impressed with the functionality of this app. It provides not only the entire Holy Bible in KJV, but also various study tools like commentaries and concordance. The search function is very useful when I need to find specific verses or keywords quickly.
By Sam
Daily Bible has been a life-changing app for me. I've always struggled with maintaining a consistent Bible reading habit, but this app has made it so much easier. The daily devotionals and reading plans have helped me grow spiritually and deepen my understanding of God's word.
By Vixen
I highly recommend Daily Bible to anyone who wants to dive deeper into studying the Holy Bible, especially in the KJV version. The audio feature is a great addition for those who prefer listening to the Bible. Overall, a fantastic app for spiritual growth.
NIV Bible Study - Offline app
Mobile Bible apps
Dwell: Audio Bible
Dwell App, LLC
The Bible with Nicky and Pippa
Alpha Int
iDaily Bible - KJV Holy Bible
Lemon, Inc
KJV Bible
Aleksei Jusev
Life Bible
Tecarta, Inc.
MyBible - Bible
Denys Dolganenko
Holy Bible - Verses of Day
NKJV Bible App by Olive Tree
Gospel Technologies
NKJV Bible
Oly Bible
Google Play ブックス: 漫画・電子書籍・ラノベ
Google LLC
Amazon Kindle: 電子書籍、マンガ、雑誌
Amazon Mobile LLC
Wattpad - Read & Write Stories
聖書 - 音読聖書 - 音読聖書
Audible (オーディブル)
Audible, Inc.
네이버 - NAVER
King James Bible - Verse+Audio
Ozion Tech
Oxford Dictionary
Bible Offline-KJV Holy Bible
Bíblia Offline
القرآن الكريم كامل بدون انترنت
NIV Bible Study - Offline app
Mobile Bible apps
Dwell: Audio Bible
Dwell App, LLC
The Bible with Nicky and Pippa
Alpha Int
iDaily Bible - KJV Holy Bible
Lemon, Inc
KJV Bible
Aleksei Jusev
Life Bible
Tecarta, Inc.
MyBible - Bible
Denys Dolganenko
Holy Bible - Verses of Day
NKJV Bible App by Olive Tree
Gospel Technologies
NKJV Bible
Oly Bible
Google Play ブックス: 漫画・電子書籍・ラノベ
Google LLC
Amazon Kindle: 電子書籍、マンガ、雑誌
Amazon Mobile LLC
Wattpad - Read & Write Stories
聖書 - 音読聖書 - 音読聖書
Audible (オーディブル)
Audible, Inc.
네이버 - NAVER
King James Bible - Verse+Audio
Ozion Tech
Oxford Dictionary
Bible Offline-KJV Holy Bible
Bíblia Offline
القرآن الكريم كامل بدون انترنت
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ViewsAPK は、Google、Android OEM、Android アプリケーション開発者とはいかなる形でも提携していません。
By Chester
I've tried many Bible apps before, but this one stands out. The KJV translation is my favorite and the app's layout is clean and intuitive. I appreciate the ability to highlight verses and take personal notes. It has become my go-to app for studying and meditating on the Scriptures.