YouTube for Android TV

YouTube for Android TV

Google LLC
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Get the official YouTube app on TV.

Review From Editors


The YouTube for Android TV app offers a range of impressive features that enhance the overall user experience. Some notable ones include:

  • Smart Search: The app allows users to easily search for videos using voice commands, making it convenient and user-friendly.
  • Personalized Recommendations: YouTube's algorithm analyzes your watch history and provides personalized video recommendations tailored to your interests.
  • Subscriptions and Notifications: Users can subscribe to their favorite channels and receive notifications for new uploads, ensuring they never miss out on fresh content.
  • Video Quality Options: YouTube for Android TV supports various video quality options, enabling users to stream videos in HD, 4K, or even Auto mode for optimal playback depending on their internet connection.


The app's usability is top-notch and widely accessible. The interface is straightforward, making it effortless to navigate through different sections like Home, Trending, Library, and Subscriptions. The remote-friendly controls are highly responsive and easy to master, providing a seamless browsing experience.


YouTube for Android TV boasts an appealing and intuitive design optimized for larger screens. The minimalist layout allows for quick exploration of videos or channels, while the dark theme aids in reducing eye strain during extended viewing sessions. The overall design exudes a modern and visually pleasing aesthetic.


  • Extensive Content Library: The app offers an extensive collection of videos across various genres, granting users a vast pool of content to explore.
  • Seamless Casting: Users can effortlessly cast videos from their mobile devices to the Android TV, allowing for an uninterrupted streaming experience.
  • Intuitive UI: The app's user interface is well-crafted, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable browsing experience.
  • Video Quality Options: The ability to adjust video quality based on preference and internet availability enhances user satisfaction.


  • Limited Customization: While the app provides personalized recommendations, it lacks options to customize the home screen layout or change the order of sections.
  • Advertisements: Frequent ads can sometimes disrupt the viewing experience, especially during longer videos or binge-watching sessions.

Overall, YouTube for Android TV is a commendable app that offers an extensive range of features, user-friendly navigation, and an aesthetically pleasing design. Its ability to stream high-quality videos and seamless casting make it a must-have app for any Android TV user. However, the minimal customization options and frequent advertisements can be minor inconveniences.

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Additional Information

YouTube for Android TV
Google LLC
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