Google Lens

Google Lens

Google LLC
star36.6 MB
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Translate words, identify plants, find products, & more—using just your camera

Review From Editors


Google Lens is an impressive app that uses image recognition technology to provide detailed information and insights about the objects captured through your smartphone's camera. Some of its standout features include:

  • Object Recognition: Google Lens can identify various objects, including plants, animals, landmarks, and products. It provides relevant information, such as descriptions, reviews, and availability.

  • Text Extraction: With Google Lens, you can easily extract and interact with printed text. It allows you to copy text from the real world and paste it onto your device, saving time and effort.

  • Translate: The app also offers instant translation of text in various languages. Just point your camera at the text, and Google Lens will provide the translation on the spot.

  • Product Scanning: Google Lens lets you scan barcodes or QR codes to quickly retrieve additional product information or perform specific actions, such as adding an item to your shopping list or comparing prices.

  • Landmark Recognition: When you capture a landmark, Google Lens can provide historical facts, opening hours, and even nearby points of interest.


Google Lens is extremely user-friendly and straightforward to use. Simply open the app, point your camera at an object or text, and Google Lens will instantly analyze the image and provide relevant information. Navigation within the app is intuitive, with clear icons and well-organized sections. The interface is designed to be easily accessible for users of all experience levels.


Google Lens boasts a clean and modern design. The app follows Google's Material Design guidelines, featuring a simple and uncluttered layout. The use of vibrant colors and intuitive icons enhances the overall user experience. The interface is highly responsive and animations are smooth, providing a visually pleasing experience.


  • Versatile Functionality: Google Lens offers a wide range of functionalities, including object recognition, text extraction, translation, and more, making it a powerful tool for various tasks.

  • Accuracy: The app's image recognition capabilities are remarkably accurate. It consistently provides relevant and detailed information about recognized objects or text.

  • Integration with Google Services: Google Lens seamlessly integrates with other Google services like Google Photos, enabling you to access Lens's functionality from within your existing gallery.

  • Continual Improvement: Google actively updates and enhances Lens's capabilities, ensuring that users have access to the latest features and improvements.


  • Limited Device Availability: While Google Lens is available for both Android and iOS devices, it may not be universally accessible to all users.

  • Internet Connectivity: In order to provide information and perform certain tasks, Google Lens requires an internet connection. This dependency may limit its usability in areas with poor network coverage.

  • Occasional Inaccuracy: While largely accurate, there may be instances where Google Lens fails to properly recognize certain objects or provide accurate information, though these instances are rather rare.

Overall, Google Lens is an outstanding app that brings incredible functionality to your smartphone's camera. With its impressive features, user-friendly design, and continual improvements, it is undoubtedly a must-have tool for users seeking quick and detailed information about the world around them.

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Additional Information

Google Lens
Google LLC
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36.6 MB


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