

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Control your Samsung Smart TVs, appliances, and SmartThings-compatible devices

Review From Editors


SmartThings is a smart home automation platform that allows users to seamlessly control and monitor various aspects of their connected devices. The SmartThings app acts as a centralized hub for managing these devices, providing a user-friendly interface and extensive features. In this review, we will explore SmartThings' features, usability, design, and outline its pros and cons.


SmartThings offers a plethora of features that enhance home automation and improve convenience. Some notable features include:

  1. Device Integration: SmartThings supports a wide range of devices, including lights, thermostats, door locks, cameras, and more, ensuring compatibility with numerous smart home products.
  2. Automation: Users can create custom automation routines that trigger specific actions based on events or schedules. For example, you can automate the turning on of lights when you enter your home.
  3. Security: SmartThings provides robust security features, such as motion detection alerts, live camera feeds, and the ability to lock/unlock doors remotely.
  4. Scene Creation: Scenes allow users to configure multiple devices to work together with a single command. You can create scenes for activities like "Movie Night" that simultaneously dim the lights, close the curtains, and play your favorite movie.
  5. SmartThings Ecosystem: The app seamlessly integrates with several compatible apps, devices, and services, further expanding its capabilities.


SmartThings offers a user-friendly interface that is intuitive to navigate and control. The app provides clear and concise instructions for initial setup, making it easy for even novice users to get started. The inclusion of step-by-step tutorials and troubleshooters ensure a smooth user experience. Moreover, the app allows for customization, enabling users to reorder and categorize their devices based on preference.


The design of the SmartThings app is sleek and modern. The clean layout and well-defined sections make it easy to locate and control devices. The use of color coding and icons enhances visual appeal and aids in differentiating devices at a glance. However, the app could benefit from more customization options for personalizing the interface further.


  • Wide device compatibility, allowing users to connect and control a vast array of smart home products.
  • Powerful automation capabilities enable the creation of personalized routines.
  • Robust security features provide peace of mind by monitoring your home and keeping it secure.
  • Integration with other apps and services expands the functionality of SmartThings.
  • User-friendly interface ensures easy setup and control of devices.


  • The app occasionally experiences minor connectivity issues, requiring restarts or reconfiguration.
  • Some users may find the initial setup process slightly time-consuming.
  • Limited customization options for personalizing the app's appearance.
  • Although the app is generally intuitive, occasional lag or delays when controlling devices have been reported.

Overall, SmartThings is a robust and capable smart home automation platform. Its extensive features, ease-of-use, and sleek design make it an excellent choice for anyone seeking to enhance their home with smart technology.

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Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
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95.2 MB


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