Review From Editors


SmartLine Second Phone Number app offers a range of useful features to enhance your communication experience. Some of the key features include:

  • Second phone number: With SmartLine, you can get a second phone number without the need for a second device. This helps you keep your personal and professional lives separate.
  • Call forwarding: You can easily forward calls from your SmartLine number to your main phone number, ensuring you never miss an important call.
  • Voicemail: The app provides a dedicated voicemail inbox for your SmartLine number, allowing you to receive and manage voice messages seamlessly.
  • Text messaging: SmartLine supports text messaging, enabling you to send and receive texts using your second phone number.
  • Custom greetings: You can personalize your voicemail greetings to suit different situations or purposes.


The app is incredibly user-friendly and intuitive. The interface is well-designed, making it easy to navigate through different sections and access all the features. Setting up the second phone number is a simple process, and the app provides clear instructions along the way. Overall, SmartLine offers a hassle-free user experience.


SmartLine Second Phone Number app boasts a clean and modern design. The layout is pleasing to the eye with a well-organized menu and intuitive icons. The color scheme is appealing, and the overall aesthetic of the app enhances the user experience.


  • Simplifies communication by providing a second phone number on your existing device.
  • Call forwarding ensures you never miss important calls.
  • Voicemail inbox helps manage messages professionally.
  • Intuitive interface and clear instructions make it easy to set up and use.
  • Sleek and modern design enhances the overall user experience.


  • Some advanced features may require a premium subscription.
  • Occasionally, there may be minor delays in call forwarding.

In conclusion, SmartLine Second Phone Number app offers a convenient and user-friendly solution for those in need of a second phone number. Its range of features, sleek design, and overall usability make it a great choice for separating personal and professional communication. While some advanced features may require a premium subscription, the app's benefits outweigh these minor limitations.

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Additional Information

SmartLine Second Phone Number
GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC
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