File Commander Manager & Vault

File Commander Manager & Vault

star20.9 MB
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File manager | Explorer for cloud storage files & folders | Hide private photos.

Review From Editors


File Commander Manager & Cloud is a comprehensive file management app that offers a plethora of features to help efficiently manage files on your device. Some notable features include:

  • Cloud Integration: The app seamlessly integrates with various cloud storage providers, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive. This allows you to access and manage files stored in the cloud directly from the app.

  • File Compression: File Commander Manager & Cloud allows you to compress files into ZIP or RAR archives, helping you save storage space and easily share multiple files.

  • File Transfer: With its built-in FTP client and support for Bluetooth, the app enables easy file transfer between devices, without needing additional apps.

  • Remote File Access: Access files on your device from anywhere using the Remote File Access feature, allowing you to securely retrieve files from your device when away.

  • File Sorting and Searching: The app provides several sorting and search options, making it effortless to find and organize files based on criteria like name, type, date, and size.


File Commander Manager & Cloud boasts a user-friendly interface that makes navigating and managing files a breeze. The app's intuitive layout ensures that you can find your way around without much hassle. The menus and settings are neatly organized, enabling quick access to various features. Overall, the app excels in usability, catering to both novice and advanced users.


The design of File Commander Manager & Cloud is sleek and modern, with a clean and visually appealing interface. The app follows a material design approach, ensuring a consistent look and feel across different devices. The icons are well-designed and intuitive, enhancing the overall user experience. The color scheme is pleasing to the eye and does not strain the user's vision even during long usage sessions.


  • Seamless cloud integration with popular providers.
  • Comprehensive file management features, including compression and remote file access.
  • Easy file transfer between devices through FTP and Bluetooth.
  • Efficient sorting and searching options.
  • User-friendly and intuitive interface.
  • Sleek and visually appealing design.


  • Some advanced features may require a paid upgrade.
  • Limited customization options for the interface.
  • Occasional minor bugs, but updates and bug fixes are regularly released.

In conclusion, File Commander Manager & Cloud is a feature-rich, user-friendly file management app that offers excellent cloud integration, efficient file organization, and an attractive design. Despite a few minor drawbacks, the app is a reliable choice for both casual and advanced users seeking comprehensive file management capabilities.

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File Commander Manager & Vault
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20.9 MB


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