PowerDirector - Video Editor

PowerDirector - Video Editor

Cyberlink Corp
star103 MB
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Movie maker & video editing app with AI effects and green screen

Review From Editors

PowerDirector is a comprehensive video editing application that offers a wide range of features to enhance your videos. With its intuitive interface, impressive performance, and advanced tools, this app has gained popularity among both amateur and professional video editors.


PowerDirector offers an extensive set of features that allow users to create high-quality videos with ease. Some notable features include:

  • Multi-track editing: This app provides multiple tracks for video and audio, allowing users to seamlessly integrate different media elements into their projects.
  • Timeline interface: The timeline interface makes it easy to manage and arrange media files, transitions, effects, and more.
  • Transition effects: PowerDirector offers a variety of transition effects that can be applied to smoothly switch between different scenes, enhancing the visual flow of your videos.
  • Video effects: Users can choose from a wide range of video effects, such as filters, overlays, and color adjustments, to add style and depth to their videos.
  • Audio editing: The app allows users to fine-tune the audio quality, adjust volume levels, and add background music or voiceovers to their videos.
  • Chroma key: PowerDirector supports chroma key, enabling users to easily replace and adjust backgrounds, commonly used in green screen effects.
  • Easy sharing: The app provides direct sharing options to various social media platforms, making it convenient to upload and share your videos instantly.


PowerDirector is designed to be user-friendly, and it successfully delivers on this aspect. The interface is well-organized and intuitive, making it easy for both beginners and experienced users to navigate the app's features. The drag-and-drop functionality simplifies the editing process, allowing users to efficiently arrange and manipulate different media elements on the timeline.


The design of PowerDirector is clean, modern, and visually appealing. The interface is well-optimized for both smartphones and tablets, ensuring a consistent and seamless editing experience across different devices. The color scheme and iconography are aesthetically pleasing, contributing to an overall pleasant user experience.


  • Robust set of editing features for creating professional-looking videos.
  • User-friendly interface, making it accessible for users of all skill levels.
  • Excellent performance and stability, even when handling large video projects.


  • Some advanced features may require a learning curve for inexperienced users.
  • Certain features and effects are only available in the paid version of the app.
  • Occasional advertisements may disrupt the workflow, especially in the free version.

In conclusion, PowerDirector is a powerful video editing app that offers a multitude of features to enhance your videos. Its user-friendly interface, extensive editing capabilities, and appealing design make it an excellent choice for both beginners and professionals. While some advanced features require a learning curve and certain limitations exist in the free version, the overall experience and quality of this app make it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to take their video editing skills to the next level.

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Additional Information

PowerDirector - Video Editor
Cyberlink Corp
Updated on
Video Players & Editors
103 MB


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