Magisto - Video Editor & Music

Magisto - Video Editor & Music

Magisto by Vimeo
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Create Amazing Videos, Slideshows and Collages with Effects & Music in Minutes!

Review From Editors

Magisto - Video Editor & Music is a versatile app that allows users to effortlessly create stunning videos with professional editing tools and a vast library of music tracks. Here's a review of its features, usability, design, pros, and cons:


  • Automatic video editing: Magisto uses artificial intelligence to analyze user-uploaded media and automatically applies professional editing techniques to create impressive videos.
  • Customization options: Users can customize their video by selecting a theme, adding text, choosing from various editing styles, and adjusting the video's duration.
  • Background music: The app offers an extensive collection of licensed music tracks that users can add to their videos to enhance the overall effect.
  • Social sharing: Magisto allows easy sharing of videos on popular social media platforms directly from the app.
  • Collaborative video editing: Users can invite friends to contribute their media to the video and collaborate on editing, making it an excellent choice for group projects or events.
  • Video templates: The app provides pre-designed templates for various occasions such as birthdays, weddings, vacations, etc., enabling users to create professional-looking videos quickly.


Magisto boasts an intuitive user interface that makes it easy for beginners to navigate the app and create impressive videos without any prior editing experience. The automatic editing feature simplifies the process further by eliminating the need to manually edit every clip, making it suitable for users who want to save time and effort.


The app's design is clean, modern, and visually appealing. The layout is straightforward, ensuring that users can easily access all the features without any confusion. The theme selection and editing options are visually represented through icons, making it convenient to identify and utilize different functionalities.


  • The automatic video editing saves time and effort, allowing users to create professional-quality videos quickly.
  • The extensive collection of licensed music tracks enhances the overall video experience.
  • The collaborative editing feature is perfect for group projects or capturing shared experiences.
  • The wide variety of video templates provides a great starting point for creating videos for different occasions.


  • The free version of the app has limitations, including watermarked videos and limited access to premium features.
  • Some users might find the automatic editing feature overly simplistic and prefer more manual control over the editing process.

Overall, Magisto - Video Editor & Music is a fantastic app for users who want to create impressive videos effortlessly. With its automatic editing feature, customization options, and collaborative editing capabilities, it offers a user-friendly experience for both beginners and experienced video creators. Though the free version has limitations, the app's extensive music library and video templates make it a valuable tool for creating visually stunning videos.

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Additional Information

Magisto - Video Editor & Music
Magisto by Vimeo
Updated on
Video Players & Editors
122 MB


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