Intune Company Portal

Intune Company Portal

Microsoft Corporation
star67.4 MB
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Get access to your organization’s resources and keep them secure.

Review From Editors


Intune Company Portal offers multiple useful features for managing devices and applications within an organization. Some notable features include:

  • Device Management: Allows users to view and manage enrolled devices, including devices' compliance status, device details, and the ability to remotely wipe or reset them.
  • App Management: Enables users to discover and install applications that are approved or recommended by the organization. It also provides centralized updates and notifications for installed apps.
  • Policy Enforcement: Allows administrators to enforce security and compliance policies on enrolled devices, ensuring data protection and restricting unauthorized access.
  • Easy Enrollment: Simplifies the device enrollment process for end-users, with options like single sign-on, email-based enrollment, or QR code scanning.


Intune Company Portal boasts a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, making it convenient for both administrators and end-users. The app provides clear instructions and intuitive controls, ensuring a seamless experience during device and app management tasks. Its guided workflows and step-by-step instructions simplify the enrollment process, reducing user confusion.


The design of Intune Company Portal is modern and professional, showcasing a clean layout and intuitive iconography. The app's color scheme and typography are consistent with other Microsoft products, maintaining a cohesive visual identity. The use of card-based interfaces for device and app management enhances readability and aid in efficient task completion.


  • Comprehensive device management capabilities, providing essential features for administrators.
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface, reducing the learning curve for both administrators and end-users.
  • Clean and modern design, maintaining consistency with other Microsoft products.
  • Simplified enrollment process, supporting multiple methods for quick device onboarding.
  • Robust app management features, including centralized updates and notifications.


  • The app's performance can be sluggish in certain scenarios, particularly when dealing with a large number of devices or applications.
  • Advanced customization options are limited, constraining the flexibility for specific organizational requirements.
  • Occasional bugs and glitches have been reported, affecting the overall stability and reliability of the app.

In conclusion, Intune Company Portal offers a comprehensive device and app management solution with its impressive set of features, intuitive usability, and visually appealing design. Despite some performance concerns and limitations in customization, the app remains a valuable tool for organizations seeking streamlined device management and app distribution.

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Additional Information

Intune Company Portal
Microsoft Corporation
Updated on
67.4 MB


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