happn - Dating App

happn - Dating App

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The dating app to find your Crush nearby and in the places you love

Review From Editors


Happn is a dating app that combines the best features of various dating platforms. Here are some notable features:

  • Real-time proximity matching: Happn uses geolocation to show you potential matches who are nearby, allowing you to connect with people you've crossed paths with in real life.
  • Crush timeline: The app keeps a record of the profiles you've crossed paths with, making it easy to revisit and connect with them at a later time.
  • Invisibility mode: Users can choose to activate the "Invisibility" mode to prevent their profile from being seen by others in order to maintain privacy.
  • Chat functionality: The app offers a built-in chat platform for users to communicate with their matches, facilitating seamless conversation and connection.


Happn boasts a user-friendly interface, making it effortless to navigate the app. Its intuitive layout enables users to swiftly browse through profiles, effortlessly like or dislike potential matches, and engage in conversations with just a few taps. The app also provides clear instructions and prompts, ensuring that even newcomers can easily find their way around.


Happn's design is sleek and modern, contributing to an enjoyable user experience. The minimalistic layout, coupled with attractive visuals and smooth animations, enhances the app's overall appeal. The interface is clean and uncluttered, effectively highlighting the most relevant information, allowing users to focus on finding their ideal match.


  • Geolocation-based matching: Happn's ability to connect users based on real-life encounters adds an exciting twist to the conventional dating experience.
  • Crush timeline: The crush timeline feature is a convenient way to keep track of potential matches encountered in the real world, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to connect.
  • Privacy: The option to activate "Invisibility" mode provides users with a sense of control over their profiles, offering an added layer of privacy.


  • Limited user base in some areas: Happn's effectiveness heavily relies on having a substantial user base. In less populated areas, the number of potential matches may be limited.
  • Reliance on real-time encounters: The app primarily revolves around connecting users who have crossed paths physically. This feature may limit the app's usefulness in certain scenarios, such as during travels or in areas with fewer users.

In conclusion, Happn offers a refreshing take on online dating by leveraging real-time proximity matching. Its user-friendly interface, appealing design, and practical features make it an excellent choice for those seeking to connect with people they've crossed paths with. However, its effectiveness may vary depending on the user's location and reliance on real-world encounters.

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