Fun Race 3D — Run and Parkour

Fun Race 3D — Run and Parkour

Good Job Games
star99.1 MB
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Once you start you can’t stop. Run, jump & win in the epic obstacle course games

Review From Editors


Fun Race 3D is a popular gaming app that offers an exciting and competitive racing experience. Its standout features include:

  • Fun & Challenging Gameplay: The game offers a variety of unique racing levels with fun obstacles and creative designs.
  • Multiplayer Mode: Users can compete against friends or players from around the world in real-time multiplayer races.
  • Customizable Characters: Players can personalize their avatars with a range of different outfits and accessories.
  • Rewarding Progression System: As you complete races, you earn coins which can be used to unlock new levels and customize your character.


The app's usability is commendable, featuring an intuitive interface that allows for easy navigation. The controls are straightforward, making it accessible even for inexperienced gamers. The matchmaking system promptly pairs you with opponents, resulting in minimal waiting time before races begin. Overall, this app offers a user-friendly experience to players of all skill levels.


Fun Race 3D's design is vibrant, colorful, and visually appealing. The graphics are well-executed, giving the game a cartoon-like charm. Each level is distinctively designed, with captivating backgrounds and creative obstacle layouts. The character models and animations are smooth and enjoyable to watch. The overall design enhances the gameplay experience, making it captivating and immersive.


  • Interactive multiplayer mode adds a competitive edge and keeps the game engaging.
  • The wide variety of challenging levels keeps players entertained and motivated.
  • The ability to customize characters allows users to create a unique avatar, adding personalization to the game.
  • Regular updates introducing new features and levels ensure that players' interest remains sustained.


  • Occasional advertisements can interrupt gameplay, but these can be removed through in-app purchases.
  • Some users have reported occasional crashes or lags, which may hinder the overall experience.
  • The game heavily emphasizes in-app purchases, which can feel intrusive at times.

Overall, Fun Race 3D is a highly entertaining racing game that manages to captivate players with its fun gameplay, engaging multiplayer mode, and creative level designs. While there may be some minor drawbacks, the app's overall experience makes it a recommended choice for mobile gamers seeking thrilling racing challenges.

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Additional Information

Fun Race 3D — Run and Parkour
Good Job Games
Updated on
99.1 MB


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