Easy Quran Mp3 Audio Offline

Easy Quran Mp3 Audio Offline

Muslim Worldapp
star20.4 MB
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Listen Full Quran MP3 Offline - Qibla Compass, Salah Timing & 99 Names of Allah

Review From Editors

The Easy Quran Mp3 Audio Offline app is a comprehensive tool for Muslims looking to dive deeper into the teachings of the Quran. This review will analyze its features, usability, design, and pros and cons.


The app comes with an impressive range of features that enhance the user experience. First and foremost, it provides offline access to the full Quran audio recitations, allowing users to listen to verses without an internet connection. This is invaluable for those traveling or living in areas with limited connectivity.

Additionally, Easy Quran Mp3 Audio Offline lets users choose from a variety of famous Quran reciters, offering a wide range of vocal styles and interpretations. The app also allows users to create custom playlists, making it easier to navigate through specific chapters or verses.

Furthermore, the app offers translations in multiple languages, enabling users to better understand the Quran's meaning in their preferred language. The inclusion of transliterations assists non-Arabic readers in pronouncing the verses correctly.


The user interface of the Easy Quran Mp3 Audio Offline app is straightforward and intuitive. The navigation menu allows users to access various features easily, such as selecting reciters, choosing translations, and creating playlists. The search function is also invaluable for finding specific verses quickly. Overall, the app is designed with usability in mind, providing a seamless experience for users of all ages.


The app's design is clean and visually appealing. The use of soothing colors and legible fonts enhances the overall reading and listening experience. The audio playback controls are well-placed, allowing users to pause, skip, or adjust the volume with ease. The app also provides the option to customize the theme, catering to individual preferences.


  • Offline access to full Quran audio recitations.
  • Multiple famous Quran reciters to choose from.
  • Customizable playlists for personalized listening.
  • Translations in various languages for better understanding.
  • Transliterations for correct pronunciation.
  • Intuitive user interface and navigation.
  • Pleasing and customizable design.


  • Limited interactivity beyond audio playback.
  • Lack of additional learning materials or explanations.
  • Occasional technical glitches or crashes.

Overall, the Easy Quran Mp3 Audio Offline app offers a convenient and accessible means of engaging with the Quran. Its extensive features, user-friendly interface, and pleasing design make it a valuable tool for Muslims seeking to strengthen their connection with the holy book. Despite some minor drawbacks, the app's convenience and functionality outweigh any limitations.

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Additional Information

Easy Quran Mp3 Audio Offline
Muslim Worldapp
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20.4 MB


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