Criminal Case

Criminal Case

Pretty Simple
star69.5 MB
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The award winning crime investigation game is now on the Google Play Store!

Review From Editors


Criminal Case is an investigative game where players join the police force to solve intriguing murder cases. The app offers several exciting features that make it an enjoyable and immersive experience.

  • Engaging Storylines: With a wide selection of murder cases to solve, players can dive into captivating storylines filled with thrilling twists and turns.
  • Investigation Gameplay: The app provides an interactive investigation gameplay, allowing users to examine crime scenes, collect evidence, interrogate suspects, and analyze findings to crack the cases.
  • Challenge Friends: Players can invite friends to join them in solving crimes, forming crime scene investigation teams to compete for high scores and progress together.
  • Vibrant Graphics: The app boasts impressive visuals with vibrant crime scenes, detailed character designs, and atmospheric sound effects that enhance the overall experience.
  • Regular Updates: Criminal Case delivers regular updates with new cases, enabling users to continually engage with fresh mysteries.


The app's user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, ensuring a seamless gameplay experience for users of all ages. The menus are well-organized and allow users to access different case files, game settings, and social features effortlessly. The gameplay mechanics are straightforward, and the game provides useful hints and instructions when needed, ensuring players never feel lost or confused.


Criminal Case excels in the design department, presenting a visually appealing and cohesive interface. The crime scenes are intricately designed, enabling players to closely examine every detail for potential clues. The character animations during interviews and interrogations are well-crafted, immersing users further into the game's storyline. The overall design creates an immersive and captivating environment that keeps players hooked.


  • Engrossing storylines and intriguing mysteries hook players from the start.
  • Interactive investigation gameplay offers a thrilling and immersive experience.
  • Ability to play and compete with friends adds a social aspect to the game.
  • Impressive graphics and atmospheric sound effects enhance the overall experience.
  • Regular updates with new cases keep the game fresh and exciting.


  • The game's energy system limits the number of cases players can investigate per day, requiring them to either wait or spend in-game currency to continue playing.
  • Some progress in the game may require in-app purchases, which can be a drawback for users not interested in spending real money.

In summary, Criminal Case is an engaging and well-designed app that offers captivating murder mysteries and interactive investigation gameplay. Despite a few minor drawbacks, the app's exciting features, seamless usability, and impressive design make it a must-try for anyone interested in solving thrilling crime cases.

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Additional Information

Criminal Case
Pretty Simple
Updated on
69.5 MB


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