Cake - Learn English & Korean

Cake - Learn English & Korean

Cake Corp.
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Learn everyday English & Korean from videos

Review From Editors


Cake - Learn English & Korean is an interesting language learning app that offers several useful features:

  • Interactive language exercises: The app provides a variety of interactive exercises to practice and improve language skills in both English and Korean.
  • Vocabulary builder: Users can easily build their vocabulary by learning new words and phrases through flashcards and quizzes.
  • Daily lessons: The app offers daily lessons with curated content to help users learn and practice new language skills regularly.
  • Speech recognition: The speech recognition feature allows users to practice pronunciation and receive feedback for improved language accuracy.
  • Dual-language support: The app supports learning both English and Korean, making it useful for learners of both languages.


Cake is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for learners of all levels to navigate and utilize its features. The interface is intuitive, and the exercises are clearly explained, allowing users to start practicing without any confusion. Moreover, the app provides a seamless learning experience, tracking progress and offering personalized recommendations based on individual learning goals.


The design of Cake - Learn English & Korean is visually appealing, featuring a clean and minimalist layout. The color scheme and typography used are pleasing to the eye, contributing to an enjoyable learning experience. The app also includes engaging visuals and audio snippets to aid comprehension and make the lessons more engaging.


  • Extensive content: The app offers a wide range of lessons and exercises, covering various language aspects such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.
  • Personalized learning: Cake adapts to individual learning goals and provides personalized recommendations, ensuring a tailored learning experience.
  • Speech recognition: The speech recognition feature facilitates pronunciation practice and helps users improve their language skills with accurate feedback.
  • Dual-language support: Being able to learn both English and Korean within one app is a major advantage for learners interested in both languages.


  • Limited free content: While the app offers a free version, access to advanced features and content requires a subscription.
  • Focus on grammar: Some users might find that the app has a heavy emphasis on grammar exercises, which may not suit everyone's preferred learning approach.
  • Connectivity requirement: An internet connection is necessary to access the lessons and track progress, which can be an inconvenience in areas with limited or unstable internet access.

Overall, Cake - Learn English & Korean provides a comprehensive language learning experience with its engaging exercises, personalized recommendations, and dual-language support. With an intuitive interface and visually appealing design, this app is a valuable tool for beginners and intermediate learners seeking to improve their English and Korean skills.

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Additional Information

Cake - Learn English & Korean
Cake Corp.
Updated on
16.0 MB


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