Review From Editors


The TfL Oyster and Contactless app offers a convenient way to manage travel in London. As a frequent traveler, I have been using this app for several months and it has simplified my journeys. Here's a review of its features, usability, design, and the pros and cons.


The app provides several essential features that make traveling seamless and effortless:

  • Account Management: Users can create an account, add their Oyster card or contactless bank card, and manage their payment methods.
  • Journey History: The app displays a detailed breakdown of previous journeys, including times, fares, and route information.
  • Top-Up: It allows users to top up their Oyster card or manage their contactless card balance within the app.
  • Vehicle Checker: This feature helps users check the status and schedules of London's public transportation, ensuring timely travel.
  • Service Alerts: The app provides real-time service updates, alerts about disruptions, and alternative routes when necessary.


The ease of use is one of the app's strengths, with a simple and intuitive interface. Navigating through menus and finding specific information, such as journey history or balance updates, is a breeze. The app's search functionality is robust and helps locate nearest stations, bus stops, or points of interest effortlessly.


TfL Oyster and Contactless app follows a clean and visually appealing design. The color scheme is consistent, making it easy to distinguish different sections of the app. The use of icons and visual indicators enhances the user experience and provides a clear overview of the available options.


  • Convenience: The ability to manage Oyster cards and contactless payment methods in one app makes it incredibly convenient for London travelers.
  • Real-Time Updates: Service alerts and real-time transport information minimize travel disruptions and help plan journeys effectively.
  • Balance Management: Topping up Oyster cards and tracking contactless balances within the app eliminates the need to find physical top-up locations.


  • Limited Payment Options: The app primarily supports Oyster cards and contactless bank cards. Integration of more payment methods, such as mobile wallets, would be beneficial.
  • Occasional Glitches: Some users have reported occasional app freezes or crashes, which can be frustrating during rush hours or urgent travel situations.

Overall, the TfL Oyster and Contactless app is a valuable tool for London travelers. Its user-friendly interface, comprehensive features, and regular updates make it an essential companion for hassle-free travel. While there are minor glitches and room for improvement in payment options, the app undoubtedly enhances the commuting experience in the city.

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Additional Information

TfL Oyster and contactless
Transport for London (TfL)
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Travel & Local
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