Spotify for Podcasters

Spotify for Podcasters

Spotify AB
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Your podcast studio (formerly Anchor). Just press record to create your podcast.

Review From Editors


I have been using Spotify for Podcasters for the past few months and overall, it has been a satisfying experience. I will provide a breakdown of its features, usability, design, and highlight its pros and cons.


Spotify for Podcasters offers a variety of features tailored specifically for podcast creators. These features include:

  • Podcast Analytics: The app provides detailed analytics about listener demographics, episode performance, and user engagement. The information is presented in an easy-to-understand format, helping podcasters make data-driven decisions for their content creation.

  • Episode Management: Managing episodes has been made simple - you can upload, schedule, or unpublish episodes directly from the app. Additionally, the app allows you to view episode descriptions and make changes effortlessly.

  • Promotion: Spotify for Podcasters enables podcasters to submit their show for inclusion in Spotify's curated playlists, increasing discoverability. Furthermore, you can easily share episodes on social media platforms directly through the app.


The app's user interface is intuitive and user-friendly. Navigation through the different sections is smooth, and the app provides helpful tooltips to guide beginners. The dashboard layout is clean and organized, allowing users to access important information and features with just a few taps. Overall, the app's usability greatly enhances the podcasting experience.


Spotify for Podcasters boasts a modern and aesthetically pleasing design. The app features a dark theme, which not only looks stylish but also reduces eye strain during extended usage. The typography and iconography are well-chosen, creating a visually cohesive experience. The use of space and hierarchy is well-balanced, making it easy to focus on essential features and information.


  • Comprehensive Analytics: The detailed analytics provided by Spotify for Podcasters gives valuable insights, helping creators understand their audience and improve their content.

  • User-friendly Interface: The app's intuitive design and easy navigation make it suitable for podcasters of all experience levels.

  • Promotion Opportunities: The app offers various promotion features, such as playlist inclusion and social media sharing, increasing the visibility of podcasters' content.


  • Limited Customization: While the app provides some customization options, such as episode scheduling, it lacks further customization features that could enhance the podcasting experience.

  • Limited Platform Support: Currently, Spotify for Podcasters is only available on iOS and Android. Expanding to other platforms, like desktop or web browsers, would greatly benefit podcast creators.


Spotify for Podcasters is a robust app that offers a range of beneficial features for podcast creators. With its comprehensive analytics, user-friendly interface, and promotional opportunities, it serves as a valuable tool in the podcasting industry. However, it could benefit from additional customization options and support on more platforms. Overall, Spotify for Podcasters is a commendable app for podcasters seeking to expand their reach and improve their content.

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Spotify for Podcasters
Spotify AB
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