ShareMe: File sharing

ShareMe: File sharing

Xiaomi Inc.
star41.5 MB
safe icon
Supports fast transfers to Android and iOS devices.

Review From Editors

ShareMe is a file-sharing app that allows you to quickly and easily send and receive files between devices. With its intuitive design and user-friendly interface, it aims to simplify file transfers and make it hassle-free for users. Let's dive into its features, usability, design, and pros and cons.


  • Fast and Efficient: ShareMe utilizes Wi-Fi Direct technology to achieve high-speed file transfers, ensuring your files are shared swiftly.
  • Cross-Platform Support: It enables seamless sharing between Android and other platforms, making it convenient for users with devices running different operating systems.
  • No Need for Internet: ShareMe doesn't rely on an internet connection to transfer files, saving you data and allowing you to share files even in areas with weak or no network coverage.
  • Multiple File Formats: ShareMe supports a wide range of file formats, including documents, images, videos, and apps, enabling users to share various types of files effortlessly.
  • Folder Sharing: You can easily share entire folders with all its contents, eliminating the need for individually selecting files.
  • File Manager Integration: ShareMe includes a built-in file manager, allowing you to organize, select, and send files without leaving the app.


ShareMe offers a seamless user experience, thanks to its simple and straightforward interface. Upon launching the app, you are greeted with a clean layout and easy-to-understand options. Navigating through the menu is a breeze, and the transfer process is incredibly smooth, with minimal steps involved. Sharing files with other devices is as easy as selecting the desired files or folders and tapping the send button. Overall, ShareMe ensures a hassle-free file-sharing experience.


The app's design is clean and modern, following Material Design principles. The interface is intuitive, with well-placed icons and clear labels, allowing users to quickly navigate and access different features. The color scheme is pleasing to the eye, and the app maintains a consistent look throughout. ShareMe's design contributes to its overall usability and enhances the overall user experience.


  • Blazing-fast file transfers using Wi-Fi Direct technology.
  • Cross-platform support enables sharing between different devices.
  • No reliance on internet connectivity, making it useful in various scenarios.
  • Supports a wide array of file formats for versatile file sharing options.
  • Folder sharing simplifies sharing multiple files simultaneously.
  • Built-in file manager integration provides a seamless workflow.


  • Limited to Android devices and does not include support for iOS.
  • The app occasionally displays ads, which may disrupt the user experience.

In conclusion, ShareMe is a reliable and efficient file-sharing app. It offers a straightforward interface, fast file transfers, and diverse sharing options. Despite the lack of iOS compatibility and occasional ads, ShareMe remains an excellent choice for Android users seeking a reliable file-sharing solution.

Note: This Markdown-formatted review serves as an example and may not reflect the actual features, design, or pros and cons of the ShareMe app.

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Additional Information

ShareMe: File sharing
Xiaomi Inc.
Updated on
41.5 MB


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