Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD

Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD

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Tower Defense! Protect your castle and clash in PvP battles!

Review From Editors

About Rush Royale Mini Tower Defense

Time for a tower defense -- it can replace powerful soldiers and magicians on the crowded Royal Tower! The base defense game has become very serious, but there is still a lot of happiness! Your hero is defending the castle, and the last best hope is to deal with the enemy's assault. The magic bullet rain of fighting bravely with the arrow of the watch and the magic missile! The unique combination of talt defense and commodity card game! Assemble the tower deck of strong defense heroes! That's TD. But competitive distortion! Give your best friend (or worst enemy) the first victory to complete the defense! In a sense, real-time defense PVP - there are tons of games! Guard your kingdom! The powerful enemy clashes with the terrible boss and is liberated from the battle of magic and steel to the enemy! Please use your turret defense resources wisely. Like a good base defense game, win wisely! Collect, guard and dominate! The orientation of the peak Royal Tower is here!

How to install Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD

  1. Open the Google Play Store
  2. Click on the search bar at the top of the screen
  3. Type 'Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD' and select the first option
  4. Click the "Download" button and wait for the app to start installing on your mobile device. Depending on your download speed, this should only take a few minutes

How to Uninstall Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD

  1. If you no longer want this application on your mobile device and want to delete the Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD app, then you'll need to navigate to your Applications Manager
  2. Once there, you'll be able to scroll through your apps until you reach the Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD app
  3. Click on the application and hit the 'Uninstall' button
  4. Wait for the app to uninstall from your device. It will take all the app's data with it
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Additional Information

Rush Royale: Tower Defense TD
Updated on
208 MB


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