Messenger Kids – The Messaging

Messenger Kids – The Messaging

Meta Platforms, Inc.
safe icon
Fun, free app that lets kids video call and message family and close friends.

Review From Editors


Messenger Kids is a fun and safe messaging app designed specifically for children. It offers a range of features tailored to their needs and interests. Some notable features include:

  • Parental Controls: The app requires parental approval and supervision. Parents have control over their child's contacts, can approve new contacts, and set privacy settings.
  • Kid-friendly Messaging: Messenger Kids provides a simple and intuitive interface with vibrant and attractive visuals, making it suitable for young users.
  • Video Calls: Children can engage in video calls with trusted contacts, facilitating connections and keeping relationships alive even at a distance.
  • Fun Filters and Stickers: The app offers a wide array of filters, stickers, and playful effects to enhance chats and make them more exciting.
  • Age-Appropriate Content: With a focus on age-appropriate content and safety, Messenger Kids ensures that children are protected from inappropriate content and interactions.


Messenger Kids is incredibly user-friendly, making it easy for children to navigate and understand. The app's interface is simple and straightforward, allowing kids to access different features with ease. The app is also optimized for touch devices, enhancing usability for its target audience. Parents, too, will appreciate the app's intuitive controls and settings that enable them to monitor and control their child's messaging experience.


The design of Messenger Kids is colorful, playful, and visually appealing to children. It incorporates fun and engaging illustrations, animations, and icons that make messaging enjoyable for kids. The overall design is clean and intuitive, ensuring that young users can easily interact with the app without feeling overwhelmed. The app's cheerful design adds to its appeal to both children and parents.


  • Offers a safe and controlled environment for children to connect with friends and family.
  • Parental controls allow parents to monitor and regulate their child's messaging experience.
  • A child-friendly interface makes messaging simple and enjoyable for young users.
  • Features such as video calls, stickers, and filters enhance communication and make it more fun.
  • Age-appropriate content ensures children's safety and protects them from inappropriate interactions.


  • Limited availability on platforms, as it is mostly focused on iOS devices.
  • Some parents may want more customization options in terms of privacy settings and content filtering.
  • Requires parental setup and involvement, which may be seen as an additional step for busy parents.

In conclusion, Messenger Kids provides a secure and enjoyable messaging experience for children. With its extensive parental controls, engaging features, and child-friendly design, it offers a safe and age-appropriate platform for kids to stay connected with friends and family. The app's simplicity and usability make it a reliable choice in encouraging healthy digital communication among youngsters.

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Additional Information

Messenger Kids – The Messaging
Meta Platforms, Inc.
Updated on
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