CallApp: Caller ID & Block

CallApp: Caller ID & Block

CallApp Caller ID, Call Recorder & Spam Blocker
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Caller ID & spam call blocker. Always know who calls!🇺🇸

Review From Editors

Features: CallApp: Caller ID & Block is packed with impressive features that enhance call management and improve the user experience.

  • Caller ID: The app provides real-time caller identification, allowing you to identify unknown numbers and avoid spam calls. Additionally, it retrieves information about the caller, such as their name, photo, and location, making it easier to determine if the call is important or not.

  • Call Blocking: Tired of annoying telemarketing calls? CallApp enables you to block unwanted callers effortlessly. Simply add numbers to the blocklist, and the app will automatically reject their calls.

  • Smart Dialer: The app offers an intuitive and easy-to-use dialer with smart search capabilities. It integrates with your contact list, history, and even social media accounts to provide a seamless calling experience.

  • Call Recording: With CallApp, you can record important conversations either manually or automatically. The recordings are saved securely, facilitating easy access and playback later.

Usability: CallApp is designed to be user-friendly, even for users who are not tech-savvy. The intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate through the app's various features. The caller identification is prompt, with minimal delay in retrieving caller information. Blocking calls is a breeze, and managing the blocklist is a straightforward process.

Design: CallApp boasts a clean and modern design, effectively using colors and icons to create a visually appealing interface. The app's layout is well-structured, ensuring that important information is easily accessible. Overall, the design enhances the user experience and contributes to the app's intuitive nature.


  • Comprehensive caller identification
  • Effortless call blocking
  • User-friendly interface
  • Secure and easy-to-access call recording feature
  • Integration with social media accounts


  • Some features, such as call recording, may require a premium subscription.
  • Occasionally, caller identification may not be accurate for certain numbers.
  • The app may consume a significant amount of device resources, impacting battery life.

Overall, CallApp: Caller ID & Block is a feature-packed app that provides excellent caller management capabilities. Its user-friendly design and useful features make it a valuable tool for avoiding unwanted calls and improving call efficiency.

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Additional Information

CallApp: Caller ID & Block
CallApp Caller ID, Call Recorder & Spam Blocker
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