AutoMate - Car Dashboard

AutoMate - Car Dashboard

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The smart driving app for maps, music, messaging, and more, all hands-free.

Review From Editors

AutoMate - Car Dashboard is an intuitive app that transforms your smartphone into a smart car dashboard, providing easy access to essential features while driving. With its user-friendly design, comprehensive functionality, and some impressive features, AutoMate is a reliable companion for any car owner.


AutoMate offers an extensive range of features, making it an all-in-one solution for car control. From displaying real-time navigation information, handling incoming calls, managing music playback, to providing quick access to contacts and weather updates, this app covers all the major aspects of a car dashboard. The app also integrates with Google Assistant, allowing you to use voice commands for a more convenient and hands-free experience.


The app's interface is well-designed with a straightforward layout, ensuring ease-of-use while driving. The simplistic and intuitive controls make accessing various features effortless. Navigating between screens is smooth and requires minimal interaction, minimizing distractions and ensuring a safer driving experience. AutoMate also provides customization options, allowing users to prioritize their preferred features and create a personalized dashboard.


AutoMate exhibits a clean and elegant design that compliments the overall user experience. The app incorporates a dark theme, which is helpful while driving at night as it reduces eye strain. The fonts and icons are well-sized, ensuring easy readability on both large and small screens. The design also emphasizes clarity, making it easier to quickly glance at the dashboard and retrieve information without getting overwhelmed.


  • Comprehensive range of features, covering all major aspects of a car dashboard.
  • User-friendly interface with intuitive controls for easy access while driving.
  • Integration with Google Assistant enabling voice commands.
  • Customization options for a personalized dashboard.
  • Clean and elegant design with a dark theme for better visibility at night.


  • In-app advertisements can be intrusive at times, especially during critical moments while driving.
  • Some advanced features require a premium subscription, limiting access to certain functionalities.
  • Occasional performance issues, such as minor lags or delays in responsiveness.

AutoMate - Car Dashboard is an impressive app that offers a wide array of features and a user-friendly experience. Despite a few limitations, the app generally performs well and delivers on its promise of transforming your smartphone into a convenient car dashboard. With its well-designed interface, comprehensive functionality, and customizable options, AutoMate is a valuable companion for any driver looking to enhance their driving experience.

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AutoMate - Car Dashboard
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