Apteka.ru — заказ лекарств

Apteka.ru — заказ лекарств

АО НПК Катрен
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All pharmacies - prices, search and online order. Delivery. Dietary supplements, vitamins, cosmetics

Review From Editors


Apteka.RU is a comprehensive pharmacy app that offer users a range of useful features:

  • Medicine Search: The app allows users to search for specific medicines by name, active ingredient, or brand, making it easy to find the right medication quickly.
  • Medicine Details: Each medicine listing includes detailed information, such as dosage, potential side effects, and interactions, helping users make informed decisions.
  • Prescription Orders: Users can conveniently order prescription medications through the app, providing a hassle-free way to obtain necessary drugs.
  • Reminders: Apteka.RU enables users to set medication reminders, ensuring they never miss a dose.
  • Pharmacy Locator: The app provides a handy map feature, helping users locate nearby pharmacies and obtain directions.


Apteka.RU's user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it simple for both tech-savvy users and those less familiar with mobile apps. The search function is fast and responsive, quickly retrieving relevant results even with partial or misspelled queries. The ability to easily reorder past prescriptions further enhances usability, saving time for returning users. Additionally, the app supports multiple languages, catering to a broader user base.


Apteka.RU features a clean and modern design, with a visually pleasing color scheme that is easy on the eyes. The layout is thoughtfully organized, with clearly labeled sections and intuitive navigation. The medicine listings display crucial details prominently, helping users quickly assess different options. The app's design promotes a seamless user experience, reducing the learning curve for new users.


  • Extensive database of medicines, making it easy to find specific products.
  • Detailed information on medicines, including dosage and potential side effects, ensures users make informed decisions.
  • Ordering prescription medications through the app is convenient and time-saving.
  • Medication reminders help users maintain their dosage schedules.
  • Map feature for pharmacy locations enables quick access to nearby outlets.


  • Some minor bugs may occasionally hinder the app's performance.
  • Limited availability in certain regions, limiting its usefulness to a global audience.
  • Additional features, such as health tips or drug interaction warnings, could further enhance user experience.

If you're looking for a reliable pharmacy app that facilitates medicine searching, prescription ordering, and offers convenient reminders, Apteka.RU is an excellent choice. Despite a few minor drawbacks, its extensive database, user-friendly design, and helpful features make it a valuable tool for managing your healthcare needs.

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Additional Information

Apteka.ru — заказ лекарств
АО НПК Катрен
Updated on
74.2 MB


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